Tuesday, August 22, 2017

For The Project -- Karalee Character Bio

Hey guys!
Karalee here, and I've got a LONG post for you guys!

Ever since I read the post about The Project (the post about it can be read here), I thought about my own experiences in writing blogger-centric fiction. Looking back, I remember realizing how VERY hard it is to write a person as a fully formed, flawed character (AKA a good book character) when they've been such a good real-life person (AKA nothing but nice to you).

With that in mind, I've created a character bio of my own for The Project, to help any writers who might like to use this as a resource. This character isn't actually me... but she has plenty of fully described Flaws, Ineptitudes and Fears, and I hope none of y'all Writers will feel shy about using them. 😉

So, without further ado, Karalee Character Bio -- for The Project!

Introduction To Character

Karalee is a character that blogs, though not necessarily an accurate representation of the real blogger. (This is because A. My passive personality makes for a boring book character, and B. I would be absolutely no use on an adventure through a broken Blogger Portal.) While the real Karalee travels to many places in her imagination, this character is a dimension-traveler, having experienced many different lives in different times without the need of a Blogger Portal.
I realize that this would be difficult to write into this story -- so I wouldn't recommend doing so. (Besides, far be it from me as a non-Writer to attempt to mess with your plot. XD) Nevertheless, it needs to be mentioned here because the background of a character is essential to her current behavior.
Karalee's -- er, unusual past is not something she talks about, for reasons clarified in the section below titled Fears, but her experience in adapting to new worlds and times is something that could give the team an edge in navigating their way back home. This could manifest itself in helpful tips about what's a bob or a tanner or a shilling, or that it wouldn't help a bit to ask a medieval peasant to help read an inscription in Ye Olde English (they were never taught to read as a rule), or "NoooOOOOO DON'T GO NEAR THAT GIANT PLANT DON'T YOU SEE IT HAS TEETH??"

Positive Traits, Skills

She is protective. Very much so. She will have eyes out for danger, and she will fight it if necessary (though a tactical retreat is often a better idea). If there's a dangerous part in a plan, she will be the one to volunteer -- not so much because she wants a thrill, but so that no one else will have to.
She tries to choose her words carefully, and is comfortable talking to adults -- often even more so than to strangers of her own age.
She is the worst liar. This is a good thing, although it can get in the way sometimes. Characters often tell "little white lies" for a helpful purpose ("The poor man who stole a loaf of bread went that way!" *points the pursuers in the wrong direction*). Karalee, however, is incapable of doing that, even when she might want to. She'll uhm and errrr over the smallest half-truth. This is part of why she chooses her words so carefully, for she often likes to keep information to herself. If asked if she'd help find the guy-who-stole-bread, she'd shrug and shake her head looking blank, saying, "Sorry, can't help you!" She wouldn't say she hadn't seen him.... (He was hiding under the barrel she was sitting on.)
She's the person to have by your side in a pinch. She's collected, confident, and steady on her feet under fire. She'll even crack a joke or two, if the opportunity presents itself. Her core belief behind that mindset is; "You only ever get to freak out if everything is quiet for the time being. If stuff's blowing up, you can't afford it." Besides, being scared doesn't really help anything anyway. Why bother?
The second factor behind her uncanny calm is the fact that she's not afraid of death. In her own words; "If I die, I'm going to Heaven, and that's paradise. How can that be bad?" (Nevertheless, the circumstances facilitating her trip to Paradise are not likely to be pleasant, and she still has a job to do on Earth. She ain't in a hurry to go.)
She's not exactly talented at martial arts, but she does know how to defend herself. Well practiced in deflecting punches and grappling moves -- she's also practiced in offense, though she tries to avoid situations in which she has to implement any of this knowledge.

Flaws, Ineptitudes

Part of her protective tendencies stem from the fact that she really... doesn't... have as much confidence in people's abilities as she should. She will never admit this to herself, of course, but part of her willingness to sacrifice herself in dangerous situations is the subconscious egocentric belief that the other person would be toast if she didn't.
Karalee is extremely hard to rile, but if someone really gets to her, watch. Out. Words fail her in times of extreme anger, so her reaction is likely to be physical. If an Ally or Neutral is making a decision that she views as destructive or unacceptable, she may try to restrain them in the heat of the moment by grabbing their wrist or shoulder. (Needless to say, this doesn't help diffuse the situation any. #UnderstatementOfTheYear) If a Hostile character hits the correct nerve, she will attempt to beat the living daylights out of them -- I'm talking pure animal rage. This could be the extra burst of power that helps her to win -- BUT this makes her drop all caution or defense in battle and go with straight offense. That means any somewhat-experienced and sneaky opponent will quickly be able to defeat her in this state.
Can do her times-tables up to 11 in a flash, but other than that, she's as slow as molasses when it comes to math. Once said 5 + 6 = 18. Was highly embarrassed afterwards.
Needs to really understand something in order to learn it. Has learned though the course of time to obey without absolutely having to understand, but still hasn't gotten the hang of obeying without questions.


Not good with heights -- at all. Sometimes she's able to shut it out and do whatever she needs to do quickly, but if she starts thinking about how high up she is and how far she could fall and what it would be like to fall that far, her whole body locks up, and she feels incapable of moving an inch. Hyperventilation and involuntary yelling instead of talking are also possible side effects.
Karalee is extremely grateful for her gift of dimension-traveling -- it gives her many different lives to experience, and many more people to meet. However, she is fully aware that this makes her different -- and that's putting it kindly. While younger people might simply think "Cool! Can you bring back a rock or somethin' from another dimension to prove it?" she knows all too well that everyone -- adults especially -- are afraid of whatever is different and unknown, even more so if it's powerful. And fear leads to some pretty awful things.
She doesn't tell people about her gifts because she's afraid of what they'd think, no matter how close she is to them. If she doesn't know a person too well, she will not tell them because they have no reason to keep her secret safe -- they could tell anyone -- and also because she's pretty sure that would completely alienate her to them. (That's IF they didn't try to put her in the nuthouse for having delusions of alternate dimensions!)
Even with people she's become close to, she's too afraid to tell them. Assuming they even believe her, a secret kept for so long can do a lot of damage to a relationship. The other person will wonder why they were never trusted with such a big part of her life -- the fact that she was trusting them now would mean nothing.
But the thing she has nightmares about -- her deepest, most ingrained, possibly irrational fear, is about someone she doesn't know at all finding out about what she is. A scientist, or an official somewhere high-up, or an army general... someone who thinks she's a danger to the whole world, and who wants to take her power "to serve and help humanity". (Hah. They'd help only themselves, and she knows it. That's human nature.) She fears they'd find her, and track her, and take her away to some underground laboratory, where she'd never see the family she'd built again. They'd perform experiments, making her some sort of lab rat. They'd want to know what makes her tick, and they'd do anything to get it. She fears being a guinea pig. She fears being locked away forever. She fears *gulp* dissection. *shudder*
She fears being made into a weapon.
She would rather be dissected than hurt another living being. More than anything, she fears that the people who would want to take her gifts -- would succeed.
That's why she'll never, ever tell the other bloggers about what she can do... but that doesn't mean she won't help them with what she knows.


Often, when she comes into a new world, she comes upon one individual in her life and "bonds" with them over the course of time, looking to them as a leader, and often a parent figure (to varying degrees). This happens with reasonable consistency, and she sometimes catches herself being "on the lookout" for someone who might be that person, subconsciously. It's like hoping for Prince Charming -- she always chides herself for thinking about such an unlikely and silly thing. But she won't close herself off to the possibility.... When travelling with the other bloggers, though, she knows that settling down and finding a place in the worlds she comes across is not an option.
One dream that she barely allows herself to acknowledge is that maybe, somewhere, there's someone out there like her. Maybe. She doesn't quite know how she'd feel about that... after all, being a freak also means you're special. Would she want to give up being the only one?

Quirks, Body Language

Has a weird, snorting laugh that sounds like a pig eating at his trough at best, and like a walrus-donkey hybrid at worst. Consequently this makes her laughter contagious, even if others find the sound more amusing than the joke that was told.
Has a weakness for awful puns, even if told by the villain.
Often likes to touch others gently on the shoulder. Flinches or yelps in surprise if someone touches her on the shoulder. Is often surprised/unwilling/unprepared to accept the physical affection she gives to others.
Her movements aren't exactly slow... but they are steady and sure. She often stands with her feet sliiiiightly farther apart than normal, well-balanced on the ground.

Some Possible Situations, and How She Would React in Each

A Bully, Targeted Specifically at Her
She would stand her ground -- literally -- but take no further action. She's faced some truly scary things in her life (natural disasters, evil villains, a monster or two), so she's not likely to be frightened of a mixed-up person who thinks joy comes from belittling others. She's really likely to be sad for them, more than anything.
If the person tries to use words as a weapon (insults, claims of her inferiority), she will consider each allegation, then dismiss ("That's not accurate.") or admit to it accordingly. You can imagine, answering the rhetorical "You think you're so clever?" with a small smile and "No," would kinda take the wind outta someone's sails. More importantly, she will never say a word against the bully themselves, being careful not to give them any justification for their attacks.
Her philosophy would seem to be non-reactionary, but it's truthfully not. Presenting the silent, proverbial "stone wall" to a bully would be like daring them to break through -- they'll just keep coming. Instead, she employs the "accept it and move on" tactic in nano-scale, leaving her would-be opponent flustered.
This approach will either lead to their stepping up their verbal abuse -- which will give the general impression to everyone that they're yelling at a log and hoping it will get scared (which looks silly) -- or to escalation to physical means, from which she is well prepared to defend herself (see Positive Traits, Skills). She will not throw any punches herself, only deflect/duck those thrown at her (partially for the purpose of being "nice", also because she doesn't want to be accused of stooping to the same means as the bully.) She will use a grappling hold to stop the attack in its tracks, though that does risk her looking like the antagonist and getting blamed for the whole debacle (which would be a pain).
A Bully, Targeted at a Group
She'd physically place herself between the antagonist and the group, and try to draw their verbal "fire" by keeping them talking -- preferably leading them on an unrelated tangent. Once their attention is focused on her, she may walk a few steps away from the group in order to further divert their train of thought.
Meeting a New Person
She will usually stare into their eyes while she talks to them, until she can tell whether they are trustworthy, untrustworthy, or she has a lot of trouble "reading" them. This staring sometimes... unnerves people. She won't quit doing it, though -- she views it as highly necessary. She takes into account her own fallibility when doing this, regarding each feeling gathered with a loose "percentage" of probability instead of as a fact.
The Dog Ate Her Jamaasian High Homework
Bring the chewed-up homework to school, of course. When the teacher give her a "Are. You. Serious." look, she'd hang her head back, roll her eyes to the limit, and groan, "Yes, I'm serious!" She knows how horribly ironic it is.
Meeting Her Evil Twin
"YAAAH WHAT THE HAY?!?" *jumps away from the twin like a scalded cat*
A Mysterious Package Arrives for Her
NOPE. Could be anthrax. Could be a venomous snake. She has enemies, and does not have an X-ray machine handy. NOPE.
Accidentally Stowed Away on a Trip to the Bermuda Triangle
Might freak out a little at finding out how it happened (after all, nothing's blowing up), but after that, she'd be really excited, hoping to find out the cause of all the mysterious ship disappearances.
The Blogger Portal Drops Her in a Giant Maze
"G r e a t." *hangs head, sighs* *places her hand on the left wall* *starts walking* *silently hopes there's no booby traps or Minotaurs*
Stuck in an Elevator With Two Bloggers and an Annoying Celebrity
Facepalm at the situation, try to appeal to the celebrity's ego by pointing out that they would be a hero if they got everyone out of the elevator, then work with the other bloggers to actually get everyone out while the celebrity is planning their own "daring escape".
Receives An Anonymous, Mysterious Note
She'll try to analyze the block-print writing, then the paper, then the ink used to write the note, then puzzle over the contents with the aid of milk and cookies, then get a chocolate-chip smudge on it and immediately curse her unprofessional evidence-handling.

(Bonus) Karalee's Guidelines For Navigating A New Dimension

  1. Do what's right above all else, but after that, caution and sensibility reign supreme. No risking anything "just for fun".
  2. Listen to people's eyes. Always. They'll tell you things their words can't or won't, especially whether or not you can trust them.
  3. If you come into a world in the middle of nowhere, check your surroundings for resources you can use (if any) and find/make something to carry them in. If it's an option, find something (safe!) to climb and look for civilization. If you've simply dropped into the middle of a grassy plain, start walking. Use the sun/stars to guide you if possible.
  4. If/when you come to civilization, be careful in how you handle yourself. Fear or anxiety is unnecessary, but it's no good to turn people against you by breaking a local taboo. Observe the behavior and mood of the inhabitants first; be neither too effusive in compliments nor haughty and silent. Humility is key. (Also note, if the place you're in doesn't appear to be North America, don't smile at people right off the bat. It's considered weird in many countries.)
  5. Whether you have arrived in a city or a village, the first thing to do (once the inhabitants are not worried about you being a danger) is look for work. If you are in a village, ask how you can be of use. You may end up gathering wood, weaving baskets, or herding livestock (watch your step). If you are in a city, try to be in a respectable part of town before finding work (and don't get lost getting there). Once in a suitable place, restaurants are often amenable to hiring a dish-washer and garbage-disposal-person. On the off chance you are offered a job as a street sweeper or a chimneysweep, politely decline. You'd end up flat as a pancake or suffocating in a chimney, one.
  6. Don't. Lie. Even if you might not have any moral objections to such a thing, even if you believe you are utterly convincing, you will get caught out. You're in a new world, every rule of predictability is turned on its ear, and even the slightest fib could prove deadly.
  7. Know how to punch. Know when not to punch, even if you're angry.
  8. Fighting above-the-belt is for the boxing ring. If it's life-or-death, throw dirt. Hit them in the eyes, behind the knees, anywhere it hurts most. Disable your attacker, then run.
  9. On that note ↑, take a basic self-defense course when you get the chance. Also a bonus to have extra-strength pepper spray in your pocket -- that works on bears, too.
  10. On THAT note ↑, if you meet a bear, do NOT pull out the pepper spray until you figure out whether this a dimension where animals can talk! (IMPERATIVE)

Well, here we are at the end of a looooooooooong post. (I hope ya didn't tire your eyes too much readin' it. 😜)

See you next week, everyone! 



1 comment:

  1. Cool characteristics! :P I don't know why but my arm (Yes my arm) Is telling me that a post like this seems fun to write. :3
    I think I may do something like this but just for fun and most likely not post it, But I might have better things to write like a real post.. XD


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